Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Misuse of Office Property IT Ethics

Question: Distinguish an ongoing moral predicament or morally sketchy circumstance identifying with ICT that you know about. This circumstance can be either in the media (for instance one you have sourced from a paper, or online through web based life) or through your working environment? Answer: Case Scenario Abuse of office property has consistently been a viewed as a genuine offense and a break of set of principles. This case delineates a situation wherein the director of a product improvement firm ends up amidst a moral issue and can't choose whether or not he ought to end the promoting examiners for utilizing his office PC for visiting informal and wired sites and furthermore offering it to a third individual or he should stay silent and disregard such a little issue on the grounds that the organization is propelling another item and all the advertising exercises of this item dispatch are being taken care of by this showcasing investigator. Doing Ethics Technique Moral problem is where in the individual included needs to settle on a decision between the good and bad alternative which are in strife with one another yet are morally right when seen from various moral perspectives (Fisher Lovell, 2006). Doing Ethics Techniques assesses a moral circumstance dependent on 8 pre-characterized inquiries to discover the most ideal answer for a moral predicament (Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics, 2015). What is happening? The organization is planning to dispatch its new item and has put great sum in its promoting. IT executive educates the administrator that the promoting investigator answerable for taking care of practically all advertising exercises identified with new item dispatch has been found to have visited informal and bizarre site during the ends of the week on his office PC which is obvious from the logs(Rezaee, 2009). Supervisor calls up the promoting examiners to ask about same and is educated by advertising expert that he didn't visit the destinations himself anyway is recollect giving his office PC to one of his companions who may have done it. What are the realities? The advertising experts is liable for taking care of promoting exercises identified with new item dispatch and his abilities are incredibly required by the firm at this time(Waluchow, 2003). He has neglected to cling to firms set of accepted rules that disallows representatives from abusing office property in any capacity. Promoting examiner is very much aware of the reality however is so coolly reacting to the issue. The administrator realizes that what has happened is a culpable demonstration and must prompt end of the advertising examiner as expressed by the set of accepted rules however this whenever done will have genuine consequences(Sandler, 2013). What are the issues? Office PC has been utilized for individual work by the organizations promoting expert and he has likewise permitted a third individual who in not associated with the association to utilize his PC. This demonstration is considered exceptionally unscrupulous and is against implicit rules that forbids abuse or sharing of office property as they are not kidding danger of information secrecy and security (Zerbe, et al., 2008). The administrator can't choose whether or not to end the promoting expert. He likewise can't disregard things as then all different representatives will take the set of principles coolly. Who is influenced? The product advancement firm, chief, showcasing investigator, customers who share their classified information with the firm and the representatives are being influenced by this deceptive demonstration. What are the moral issues and suggestions? Abuse of office property is a genuine dishonest act. Advertising investigator has neglected to stick to firms set of principles against abuse of office properties. Promoting investigator has visited informal grouped locales as well as imparted his PC to a third individual which is a major issue and a danger to information security. Any individual who conflicts with the set of principles must be promptly ended from his obligations as expressed by the direct. What should be possible about it? The chief can either utilize the deontological or utilitarian moral hypothesis to fathom the problem(Keen, 2012). Utilitarian hypothesis says that an activity is correct or wrong dependent on its outcome while deontology hypothesis states individual must hold fast to his obligations and commitments while making moral decisions(Murithi, 2009). What are the accessible choices? The chief can either end the promoting experts for not holding fast to set of principles or can disregard that issue considering it isn't excessively genuine issue and furthermore the firm extraordinarily needs his aptitudes at this phase of new item dispatch. Which alternative is ideal and why? Alternative one has all the earmarks of being morally right from both deontological and utilitarian perspectives in such a case that the director neglects to live by the implicit rules this time in future every single other representative of the association will be urged to perform such acts and will take the set of principles coolly. References Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics, (2015) Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2015]. Fisher, C. Lovell, A., (2006) Business Ethics and Values. Essex: Pearson Eductaion Limited. Sharp, B., (2012) Applied Business Ethics: Power Living Through the Truth. Bloomington: iUniverse. Murithi, T., (2009) The morals of peacebuilding. Oxford: Edinburgh University Press. Rezaee, Z., (2009) Corporate Governance and Ethics. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons. Sandler, R. L., (2013) Ethics and Emerging Technologies. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Waluchow, W. J., (2003) The Dimensions of Ethics: An Introduction to Ethical Theory. London: Broadview Press. Zerbe, W. J., Hrtel, C. E. J. Ashkanasy, N. M., (2008) Emotions, Ethics and Decision-production. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Animal Testing Should Be Outlawed Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive 20

As per Biology Online, creature experimentation is characterized as the utilization of creatures in examinations and improvement extends normally to decide poisonousness, dosing and adequacy of test medicates before continuing to human clinical preliminaries. Creature experimentation has been going on since old Greece when Aristotle and Hippocrates originally made their model of the human body dependent on what they had seen through creature dismemberment. At that point, Romans utilized creatures to accomplish progressively mental tests on creatures like pigs, monkeys and pooches. From that point onward, the Renaissance time frame took up physiological examinations. From that point forward, the twentieth century had an enormous increment in creature testing until 1980 when activists fired facing the labs. Activists have not been extremely fruitful at ensuring the animals’ rights at times and the previous decades have seen an observable increment in creature testing for some re asons (Baumans). Today, regardless of activist’s endeavors, creature testing is still regularly utilized. By and by, creature testing is untrustworthy and ought to be banned. Individuals for creature testing accept that creatures are required for any kind of clinical progression. They accept that without testing on live creatures, our clinical field would not have the option to make enhancements. Researchers expect that people would be thwarted hugely on the off chance that they didn't test medicates on creatures before they were discharged to the human world. They additionally imagine that creatures are tried to do different conduct and hereditary testing. Individuals for creature testing are under the feeling that the creatures are an incredible assistance towards therapists in discovering progressively about the cerebrum and how the human mind functions. They imagine that without the creatures, no one would have the option to completely see how the ... ...ety., 2010. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. . Bantwal, Natasha. Contentions Against Animal Testing. Intelligent Life on the Web., 2010. Web. 16 Nov 2010. against-creature testing.html>. Baumans, V. Utilization of creatures in test look into: a moral issue?. Gene Therapy (2004): S64â€S66. Web. 9 Nov 2010. . Goldman, Laura. New System May Replace Lab Rats with Robots., 08 Aug 2010. Web. 16 Nov 2010. . Research Alternatives. CHAI Online. CHAI Online: Concern for Helping Animals In Israel , 2010. Web. 16 Nov 2010. .

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Surprise Party

The Surprise Party At eight o’clock of the night of my fortunate birthday, I was separated from everyone else at home protesting and grimacing, yelling angrily and feeling sorry for myself for my mishap. I thought it would have been an exceptional day loaded up with presents and fun, yet all I got was a â€Å"Happy Birthday†. Out of nowhere, the power cut off and there was a finished murkiness in the house. I couldn’t do anything consequently I chose to rest and end this unfortunate day. Out of nowhere in that tranquil night, I heard an abrupt clamor originating from first floor. I was frightened and horrendously stunned. I speculated that somebody broke into the house. Quickly, I attempted to telephone my folks, however I had no answer. I called the police however my versatile was without credit! Following a few minutes of dread, I began to quiet down. Despite the fact that meanwhile I heard more commotions of individuals talking, I made some boldness and began heading for the cellar. As I gradually arrived at increasingly more the storm cellar, I speculated there were more than one individual, however I thought that it was difficult to accept. There couldn’t be many individuals in our storm cellar! Fearlessly, I opened the entryway of the cellar. There was a finished obscurity. There wasn’t a solitary clamor. In any case, as I drew closer, I heard some giggling and affirmed that there were individuals. Out of nowhere, the lights were on and there were my folks and companions cheering at me. It was an unexpected gathering!! On a table where there were the cake and the nourishment, there were the valuable presents that I wanted for quite a while.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Business School Admissions The uphill climb to success on the GMAT

The GMAT, for many test takers, poses a major challenge on the route to business school admissions. If you’re feeling bummed out by your first attempt at a high score on the test and didn't do as well as you hoped (in spite of months of standardized test preparation), remember that the GMAT is hard for most test takers. Why is the GMAT such a beast? It’s computer adaptive, so it actually gets harder as you go if you’re doing well! It may just be high school math, but the questions are set up in ways that aren’t so straightforward. The test last 3.5 hours and tests many types of thinking: writing, data analysis, problem solving, reading comprehension, logic, and grammar. Switching between modalities while staying focused can be tough in of itself! Finally, like all standardized tests, it’s taxing emotionally and psychologically given the enormous pressure many students put on themselves before the test, and its implications for future the MBA application. Now, you’ve taken the GMAT once and came away unhappy with your score. So, what can you do now? 1. Remember that it’s OK to take the GMAT more than once. It’s not fun to sit for a 3+ hour test, but the experience of having taken the test once will actually help you the second time around. (Keep in mind that many students take the GMAT multiple times). 2. Understand how this first score fits into the bigger picture of your test prep: Was your score consistent with practice test results? If so, then think about fine-tuning how you study. Talk to an experienced test taker or GMAT tutor about ways to improve your test prep strategy moving forward. Or... Was your score totally off-base (i.e. was it much lower than your practice test scores)? If so, then give yourself a break and consider it a fluke. However, it’s still important to think back to what went amiss and let it inform your next attempt. 3. Set a second, realistic test date in the future. You can only take the GMAT once a calendar month, so that will build in a break between sittings. Make sure, though, that you aren’t personally rushing into the next test date. Allot yourself sufficient time to be as prepared, and confident, as possible heading into the test. (Review the application deadlines for your target schools and work backwards from there). 4. Take some time off from studying. A short vacation from the GMAT will allow you to let go of the disappointment or anxiety that resulted from your first try. Forget about the test for a few days, reset your study schedule and dive back in once you’re feeling refreshed. 5. Finally, maybe you should consider taking the GRE instead. Take a practice test to see how you do on the GRE. All that GMAT test prep will actually contribute to your success on the GRE, so it won’t have gone to waste. Check out this blog post and this article to learn about how GRE and GMAT scores are considered in business school admissions decisions. If you’ve read through this blog post, then you probably fall into the category of test takers described in #4 above (i.e. you deserve a short rest from the GMAT!). For the next few days, do anything but think about the test: read a good book, go to the beach, see a couple movies, whatever makes you happy. Remember that having taken the GMAT once will only improve your chances the next time around! ;

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Enquiry Concerning the Priniciples of Morals Essays

In his Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals, Hume offers up a number of virtues and qualities which are valued for any of four reasons: they are useful to the individual, useful to society, agreeable to the individual, or agreeable to society. One of the qualities which Hume elucidates is justice. This quality, however, according to Hume, is valued solely for its usefulness and not upon any agreeability to anyone. Hume explains his position thusly. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hume imagines a scenario in which all things are both readily available and easy to obtain. In this situation, he says, justice is worthless, as there would be no squabbling or conflict over property rights, as replacing that which someone takes from you is†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;To proceed in Hume’s own order, we must first examine the example of the Golden Age, the situation when all things are easily obtained. In this situation, Hume argues, the need for justice would be gone, as anything taken from you can be easily replaced. There are, however, numerous examples of this being entirely incorrect. Take, for example, Hume’s statement that this even applies to land, when it is in extreme abundance. However, you recall the Kansas Land Rush of 1889. In this situation, land was in the millions of acres, all waiting to be had, and yet dozens were killed over one small parcel of it. Jealousy and envy are not dispelled by mere abundance. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A troubling factor in Hume’s explanations of justice is that they all entail property justice. And what a small part of justice that is! In Hume’s utopia, then, a man whose wife leaves him for another would merely shrug his shoulders and go order a new one? And what consideration would be given, in absence of â€Å"useful† justice, to a man who was stabbed in an argument? Mere abundance of resources is hardly a thing to alleviate all problems. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The second example I discarded immediately, and I will explain more fully for my reasons in doing so. By creating a world in which there is absolute benevolence, Hume has

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Financial Analysis of McDonalds Company - 1482 Words

Financial Analysis of the McDonald’s Company MCD, exchange where traded NYSE 2111 Midwest Road, Oak Brook, IL 60523 (630) 623-3000 PART 1, COMPANY OVERVIEW: a. McDonald’s is an American fast food chain that sells a variety of fast food alternatives, but most notably has earned its reputation and success for the hamburger. It is the largest fast food chain in the world, with globally recognized â€Å"golden arches† symbolizing a reliable meal can be had in over 119 countries. McDonald’s has continued to develop their menu to reflect the desire/demands of their customers. The current CEO of McDonald’s is Mr. Don Thompson. b. McDonald’s was started in the 1940s as a BBQ restaurant owned and operated by Richard and†¦show more content†¦In order to increase their profit margin, McDonald’s must continue to try and find ways to reduce COGS. This is because many of the other expenses are much harder to influence. Selling General and Administrative (SGA) expenses have most likely already been trimmed to the minimum over the company’s life, taxes are required by the Government, and interest expense makes up only a small portion of expenses. The company may need to do a cost-benefit analysis to determine what may be done to reduce COGS. One idea may to better vertically integrate the company, or to remove menu items which are unpopular and/or seasonal. c. Assets Distribution: Year-end FY 2011 Assets:  Cash 2.3 Accounts Receivable 1.3 Inventory 0.12 Fixed Assets (PPE) 22.8 Other Assets 1.67  PIE CHART OF ASSETS, Year-end FY 2011 COMMENTS: As depicted in the chart, the companies’ assets are largely fixed. This comes as no surprise since the company consists of over 33,000 restaurant locations worldwide. The percentage of fixed assets as compared to current assets does mean though that the company is not liquid, which means it cannot quickly convert its assets to cash. The low inventory which actually makes up just 0.4% of the asset distribution is normal due to the fact that the company is a restaurant chain, and much of the product has a quick shelf life. c. Capital Structure: Year-end FY 2011 Capital Structure:Show MoreRelatedMcdonald s Corporation International Financial Performance Essay1369 Words   |  6 PagesThis paper analyzes McDonald s corporation and Wendy s corporation international financial performance. Data for various financial ratios have been adopted from income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement. The biggest fast food chains and widely known are McDonald s and Wendy s. To compare these two companies financial capabilities we will have to look at current ratio, earnings per share, earnings/price, equity/debt ratio and divided yield all need to be carefully thought out toRead MoreMcdonald s Corporation : The World s Largest Chain Of Fast Food Restaurants Essay1600 Words   |  7 Pagesworldwide (McDonald s, n.d.). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Problems with Education in America Essay Example For Students

Problems with Education in America Essay Many people believe that there is a crisis in the educational system in America right now. People are especially worried about the low scores that high school seniors recently received after taking an international placement test. The U. S. was ranked very low in comparison to forty other industrialized nations. Because of this, a large group of politicians and educators want to increase the standards expected by high schools for their students. However, there are several reasons why this sort of change would be difficult for schools to accomplish. There is some question about whether or not these test scores truly reflect the mathematical abilities of todays students. Two of the bigger problems expected originate from the issues of public school funding and child poverty, although there are several other factors contributing to the problem. The tests are taken by fourth graders, eighth graders, and twelfth graders. The children in the lower grades scored higher nationally within their respective test levels than the high school students, but the scores were still fairly low. Students were tested in four subjects: general mathematics, general science, advanced mathematics, and physics. In general mathematics, American 12th graders did better than those in only two countries, Cyprus and South Africa (Times 1998:2). In physics and advanced mathematics, no country performed more poorly (Times 1998: 2). Because the fourth and eighth graders did better on the tests, experts argued that American pupils start out ahead of their foreign peers in elementary school but as they move through middle and high school are challenged less and less because the curriculum tends to be repetitive (Times 1998: 3). In an attempt to raise the overall average math and science scores of U. S. seniors, certain authorities want to initiate a new set of higher standards in these subject areas. They believe that the trouble stems from poorly trained teachers who do not understand or care about their jobs (Times 1998:1). This is not the case. The real issues are out of the control of educators. One example of these issues is poor school funding. The majority of public schools receive funding locally from property tax; therefore, students who live in wealthier neighborhoods will have access to schools with higher funding because the tax payers in that area will have more to give. On the other hand, students who live in poor, impoverished communities will not have the benefits that more affluent schools have. This creates a problem because until there is some sort of equity in funding for all public schools, raising the standards of education will not be realistic. In a poor school, teachers are scarce and the teacher to student ratio is highly disproportionate. There are often an overwhelmingly larger amount of students than there are of teachers at main public schools. Without the money needed to hire more teachers, update textbooks, and renovate old and decrepit facilities, raising academic standards will not only be a futile venture, it may also put underprivileged students at more of a disadvantage than they already are. If are told that they must meet higher standards, orworseif they are chastised because they cannot do so, then they will have been punished for events beyond their control (Biddle 1997: 6). One proposed solution is referred to as the foundation program (Kozol 1991: 207). According to the specifications of this program, there would be a few different steps in raising more money for public schools. First, there would be a local tax upon the value of the homes and businesses in a given district that would cover some of the funds (Kozol 1991:208). .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8 , .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8 .postImageUrl , .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8 , .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8:hover , .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8:visited , .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8:active { border:0!important; } .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8:active , .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8 .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc8af3b4f6f7f4c9b165ba67969fa3bf8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: After the Civil War ended, chaos engulfed the stat EssayThis would probably be enough for wealthy neighborhoods but in the other cases, the state will then provide sufficient funds to lift the poorer districts to a level () roughly equal to that of the richest districts (Kozol 1991: 208). Although this plan has merits and could perhaps work, it is unlikely that the state would be willing to budget that much money to help fund poor school districts. Until students are able to go to equally funded schools, they will not receive the same quality of education as those students in wealthier districts. The same sort of argument applies to the issue of child poverty. When children grow up in impoverished homes, they are often exposed to chronic pain and disease and communities that are afflicted by physical decay, serious crime, gangs, and drugs (Biddle 1997: 4). They are not able to attend schools that offer quality a education, and therefore will never be able to succeed academically. Even if poorer students are able to go to schools with higher funding, they are generally tracked into lower level courses and designated as at risk students. If this is in fact the case, those students will have to work extremely hard to move up to a different level because their homes provide little access to the books, writing materials, computers, and other supports for education that are normally present in middle-class or affluent homes (Biddle 1997: 3). Therefore, these students often become labeled early on in their lives and teachers tend to expect less of them than they would of those students labeled differently. Raising the standards for these children would be nearly impossible. However, there are some people who believe that the math and science tests which have so many officials worried are not necessarily that important. It is the opinion of some educators that, although education probably does need some improvement, these tests may not need to be the focus. Fourth and eighth graders who took these tests scored significantly higher than the twelfth graders did which may show that recent attention to standards and better schools had begun to pay off but had not reached the upper levels of schooling (Bronner 1998: 2). Others argue that the colleges in America are widely known to be the best in the world; therefore, something had to have gone right in the earlier years to constitute such excellent universities. Other sources say that we should offer a wider variety of math and science courses and that in these courses, we should emphasize problem solving and the application of mathematical knowledge, rather than math that on one mode of computation and usually precise answers only (Brodinsky 1985: 28). American schools seem to offer a more creative foundation of knowledge than other nations. Although the core subjectsmath, science, reading, writing, etc. are important, it is also essential to offer subject such as humanities, foreign languages, and fine arts, in order to produce a well-rounded education. There is no resolution in sight for the problem in American education and, therefore, the debate about what sort of action to take will continue. The opposing sides are equally matched and the students are now left to bear the consequences of any decisions made by politicians and policy-makers about the future of their education. But until we can work out the problems associated with the economic positions of public school students, nothing can be accomplished. We will not make progress through the rigorous testing of students in math and science. These tests are not as necessary as improving the quality of the overall education and learning experience of American students.

Friday, April 17, 2020

John Adams- On the Transmigration of Souls free essay sample

For many, attending a performance of John Addams new piece â€Å"On the Transmigration of Souls† written for the New York Philharmonic is like being invited to a party but being given the wrong address as a cruel prank. Early on, one realizes a mistake has been made, one grave enough to potentially ruin the entire evening. All is not lost on this musical experiment, however, which presents itself as a rambling, rather over-zealous source of mockery. What makes it all so frustrating is that everything (save for the music) is perfect: the elegant setting of the auditorium, the acoustics, the warm tonal qualities of the instruments, and the pristine pitch of the Oregon Symphony Choir. The piece, an orchestral homage to September 11, is intriguing in its nature but fails to lift itself from its initial melodramatics, languishing instead in its pretentious and overtly-modern filth. The precision of the symphony is undeniably honed, and although executed marvelously, â€Å"Transmigration† simply looms over ones head, like a pinata which spills forth Brussel sprouts instead of candy. We will write a custom essay sample on John Adams On the Transmigration of Souls or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If â€Å"On the Transmigration of Souls† teaches us anything, it is to find the humor in any scenario, no matter how disappointing; although this joke is on us, we are all afforded a hearty laugh in retrospect.

Friday, March 13, 2020

E. Coli essays

E. Coli essays In Walkerton Ontario, many people dont even drink a glass of water from the kitchen taps, for fear of their lives. This is because of Escherichia Coli (E. coli). This bacterium has been found to be the cause of over 2,300 illnesses and either the main factor or a contributing factor in 7 deaths. As far back as 1978, tests revealed fecal coliform contamination in Walkertons wells. (Verma and Donovan, Oct. 14/00) *(1,2,3) E. coli was found in water testing, on May 15, and it was not until six days later that the citizens were informed of the deadly bacteria. The outbreak laid bare how a decade of neglect, government cutbacks and weakened controls has undermined the safety of our water supply. (Verma and Donovan, Oct. 14/00) In May of 2000, 7 people died and approximately 2,300 became ill because of harmful bacteria called E. coli in the Walkerton water. Total coliform bacteria are a collection of relatively harmless microorganisms that live in large numbers in the intestines of man and warm and cold-blooded animals. A specific subgroup of this collection is the fecal coliform bacteria, including the Escherichia coli. These organisms have the ability to grow at elevated temperatures in the fecal material of warm-blooded animals. The presence of fecal coliform bacteria in a water system indicates that the water has been contaminated with the fecal material of man or other animals. The presence of fecal contamination is a warning that a potential health risk exists for individuals exposed to this water. Escherichia coli 0157 was first identified as a serious cause of illness in humans in 1982. The bacteria binds to the intestinal lining, multiplies and produces a toxin that destroys small blooded vessels, causing clotting in the colon, kidney and brain. In two to ten days, most people develop bloody diarrhea and abdominal cramps. The clotting can lead to organ failure and death. The...

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Evaluatin of Feasibility of Financial Stability in Increasingly Essay

Evaluatin of Feasibility of Financial Stability in Increasingly Globalized Economy - Essay Example There comes a question whether the current increasing trend of globalization is leading the countries towards financial stability or not, is yet to explore. This article critically discusses the question whether increasing globalization directs the financial stability in detail with both arguments in favor as well as against of this question. This article is structured in such a manner that it is divided into four major parts such that the first section emphasizes on the concept of globalization followed by second section which describes phenomenon of financial stability. Third section of this article provides arguments in favor of the statement that increasing globalization assists in gaining more financial stability followed by the last section which provides opposite arguments in contradiction of that statement. Conclusion will lead to an end of this discussion. Globalization The term globalization has different meanings and different interpretations but over here its meaning is t aken as the phenomenon due to which the individuals have come closer to each other beyond their geographical boundaries. Today, if any individual whether a person or a country wants to develop some sort of relationship with other individual, that decision is not even in his/her capacity such that all other individuals have joined hands and became a unit. So in case, if an individual tries to be isolated and independent from other individuals, this possibility has become quite rare. If this concept of globalization is viewed on a broader level in terms of the international relations developed among different countries of the world, an important trend can be noticed such that more frequent changes have emerged as the nations are shaking hands with each other despite of even having the worst historical experiences. The current trend which is highly adopted by the countries as well as leading towards an increasingly globalized society is the unification of different sorts of block on di fferent basis (Greenidge, 2008). These blocks are developed due to some mutual interests of the countries such that different backgrounds set the stage for the countries to develop such blocks. For instance, oil producing countries have developed their own block and decide as per their own preferences about the production and supply of oil. Similarly, some countries establish a block for their mutual economic interest like the case of European Union. There are blocks which are developed due to mutual defence related interests for the security of those countries. So in a nutshell, the most important reason behind current movement of emergence of globalization is the increasing pattern of building up various kinds of blocks based on the mutual interests of the participant countries (Greenidge, 2008). Financial Stability The concept of financial stability refers to the financial environment whether on an individual level of a country or on global basis such that the participants of tha t environment feel confident regarding the value of their economic and financial resources (Rahn, 2010). Basically, it is the confidence level of the people or countries that bring financial stability into that particular region. If the people or institutions are

Monday, February 10, 2020

Why Is Philosophy Valuable Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Why Is Philosophy Valuable - Essay Example It characteristically aspires to something quite a bit more ambitious than the rhetorical and political, and presumes to be based on something considerably more substantial than mere assertion. Philosophical investigation is driven by a passion for things like insight, understanding, and truth. Philosophy is thus founded in the human need to make sense of the world and our place in it. What distinguishes it from mere personal opinion and credulity is its rejection of passionate convictions as sufficient grounds for belief and action, and its commitment to careful analysis and systematic reasoning (Granitto n.d.). Philosophy is the discipline which allows a person to be able to think rationally and irrationally. Philosophers are inveterate askers of questions, people who find intractable problems and issues in what to others seems obvious and utterly uncontroversial. It is not for no reason that the philosopher has been considered (to put it politely) a gadfly. So to approach the stud y of philosophy with the expectation of finding a coolly dispassionate endeavor governed by strict laws of logic and marked by widespread agreement on fundamental issues is to seriously misunderstand its nature and underestimate its difficulty. Philosophy is no mere marshaling of views, no purveyor of irrefutable, absolute truths. It is, rather, a messy and disquieting process in which cherished beliefs and comfortable assumptions are subjected to critical scrutiny. Both philosophy and criticism seek to educate sensibilities and enhance critical awareness, endeavors that, it should be noted, ultimately reduce esteem for the pedestrian and the commonplace. Criticism usually draws liberally on philosophical convictions, while philosophy can and frequently does seek to examine specific practices. Any academic discipline that teaches how to think rationally is valuable and worth studying. Yet it is hardly possible to engage in criticism without employing, beliefs as to what constitutes good or proper thinking: beliefs whose formulation and examination are explicitly philosophical undertakings. Philosophy's historical perspectives are no more lodged in some remote and distant past than acclaimed practices critics continue to enjoy centuries after they were created. Philosophy's voices continue to speak to us, and they have a great deal to say if only we try to understand their assumptions (Minton and Shipka 1990). Philosophy is valuable as the decisions and actions that shape philosophical practices are undertaken without such scrutiny. Such practices are likely to be haphazard and considerably less effective than we might hope. Even more to the point, they may inadvertently serve ends quite different from those we envisage. One's choice, in other words, is not so much between doing and reflecting as it is between practice that unthinkingly replicates an unexamined status quo and practice guided by critical awareness of carefully considered ends. Anyone interested in thinking who commits to systematic reflection on that interest engages in activity that is to some degree philosophical. Accordingly, the question is not whether to engage in it, but how to do it well. And we would do well to remember that there is more than one way to do it well. It is sometimes claimed that among philosophy's benefits is its capacity to inspire, to instill in people a

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Teen Pregnancy Essay Example for Free

Teen Pregnancy Essay Teen Pregnancy has always been a sensitive topic to many. Recently though teen pregnancy has become a major problem in society. The question that comes to mind is then, what can be done to reduce the number of teen pregnancies? Whether it be done by way of sexual education programs or other methods it is clear that something must be done. Currently not enough is being done to fight the number of teen pregnancies. â€Å"Teenage pregnancy and birth rates both dropped in the 1990s. Increased use of contraceptives and increased abstinence among teens could explain the decrease. However, the U. S. still has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy among western industrialized nations, 42. 9 births per 1,000 females aged 15-19. In 2002, there were 431,988 births to females under twenty. Four out of ten girls become pregnant by the age of twenty. Eighty percent of these teenage pregnancies are unintended, and 79 percent of pregnant teens are unmarried. The birth rate remains high in low-income, minority neighborhoods, where the birth rate still remains at 153 and 138 births per 1,000 for black and Hispanic teenage girls respectively. Sixty percent of all teenage mothers are in poverty at the time of birth† (Teenage Pregnancy Prevention 1). These numbers plainly show that teen pregnancy is still a major problem. I believe one of the most prominent causes of teen pregnancy is stress. Many teens in today’s society are too stressed by daily life, and could be turning to pregnancies as a way of continuing their â€Å"name†. In a small Massachusetts community where teen pregnancy rates were high it was also noted that their families were also going through a rough patch. An additional cause is that teens do not have enough teaching when it comes to sexual education. Parents need to talk to their children about the dangers of sex. Doing something about this problem is something that many believe involves sexual education. A recent study showed â€Å"A growing number of sex education programs that support abstinence and the use of contraception for sexually active teens have revealed a positive effect† (Sex ed programs actually can work 14). Sex education should be made mandatory in schools. Another method that many adults believe is necessary is making items such as condoms easily available for teens. Some school nurses have gone as far as o pass out condoms to students. This however crosses a boundary with another controversial topic. One Final prevention plan involves everyone who is willing to help, by simply making sure your community clinics and help services are open long enough you can help provided teen in need with a place to go. Teen Pregnancy is a problem that can not be fixed immediately, but by promoting awareness a decline may be in the future. The general public must find a way to help the efforts in whatever means possible. One thing we do know is that without our action this problem will not be changed.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Kaffir Boy :: essays papers

Kaffir Boy Slaves in Their Homes â€Å" Sirens blared, voices screamed and shouted, wood cracked and windows shattered, children bawled, dogs barked and footsteps pounded†(7). This scene is from the autobiography Kaffir Boy written by Mark Mathabane. That is one of the scenes he had to live through every morning in apartheid South Africa. Apartheid is a policy of segregation and economic discrimination against non-whites. Apartheid system affected every black person living in South Africa during that time. It forced blacks to become slaves in their own country. The system forced blacks to live in unsanitary environments, work-degrading jobs and carry passes, and receive limited education. Blacks and whites were living in different sections during apartheid. While whites lived comfortable lives in their extravagant mansions and driving their fancy cars blacks had to live in a disease infested neighborhood with no electricity or in door plumbing. Approximately one thousand people lived in shacks that were squeezed together in a one-mile zone. The alleys were filled with dirt, rats, human wasted and diseases. Blacks lived in houses made of â€Å"old whitewash, a leaking ceiling of rusted Inx propped up by a thin wall of crumbling adobe bricks, two tiny windows made of cardboard and pieces of glass, a creaky, termite-eaten door low for a person of average height to pass through...and a floor made of patches of cement earth†(31). Living in such a degrading environment kills self-esteem, lowers work ethic and leaves no hope for the future. Degrading low paying jobs were the only jobs available for black men. Women worked as servants for whites. Men had to work in mines, clean up toilets or work as police officers abusing their own people. â€Å"Shit-men-belligerent immigrant workers who, because of what they did, were looked upon by many black people-went about the communal lavatories picking up buckets of excrement†(83). Working as servants for whites was one of the better jobs for black women. Blacks could not walk around freely in their own country without carrying a passbook. Without a passbook, blacks could not work or travel. The passbook had to be paid for by black families who did not have any money. They were arrested and put in jail if their passbooks were not in order. Blacks were trapped with no way out, not even the hope of education.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Our Dwelling Place: The Calling of the Christian Entrepreneur Essay

The founder of local grocery chain, Ukrop’s, Joseph Ukrop was devoted to his vocation of being Richmond’s local grocer. He put community first and used his grocery stores to build community. His legacy of entrepreneurship in Richmond was characterized by a distinct commitment to the Christian principles. For example although Ukrop’s was closed on Sundays and sold no alcohol, they were still able to be a market leader in the Richmond grocery industry. In 2000, they were responsible for 38. 9 percent of the grocery sales in the local market. If Joseph Ukrop’s decided to sell alcohol and required their employees to work on Sundays, the Ukrop’s company would have compromised their proclamation of Christian faith. Ukrop’s also maintained these business practices throughout the entire time of operation. This is Hebrews 13:8-9 applied: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever†. They were â€Å"not carried away by divers and strange doctrines†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 2 Ukrop acknowledged Jesus as Lord in his business. The calling of the Christian entrepreneur is dynamic. Somehow, the entrepreneur must be guided by biblical principle, be influential in the marketplace while also yield profit to be successful in business. Still, this discussion asserts that when it is the Christian’s right to exercise â€Å"dominion in the earth through stewardship and enterprise. †3 It is also that entrepreneur’s responsibility to make his or her days count by forwarding the kingdom. Psalm 90: Discussion This tension between man’s place in the continuum of God’s eternity is the theme that characterizes the Hebrew poetic text of Psalm 90. This text egins the fourth division of Psalm, authored by Moses. Historically, Psalm 90 was written after the wilderness experience of forty years; the Exodus generation had perished. According to the book of Numbers, Moses witnessed the death of 1,200,000 adult Israelites that left Egypt. This was God’s judgment for the sin of Kadesh Barnea. Kadesh Barnea provides the background for the text. At Kadesh Barnea, Moses sent out twelve spies to survey the land before the people would enter. All came back with a poor report except Joseph and Caleb who asserted that the Israelites â€Å"would be able to overcome the land. 5 The Israelite people rebelled against their leadership and created a mob, from which God had to save Moses and Aaron. Therefore, by the time Psalm 90, God punishes the Israelites for worshipping idols and forgetting the Lord thy God. According to Fructenbaum, Psalm 90 can be understood in three segments: The nature of man in contrast to the eternity of God, the reason for man’s sin and the third segment is Moses appeal to God, that He visit and return again, restoring his presence to the Israelites again. good In Psalm 90:1-2 God is the dwelling place for all generations. In Hebrew, dwelling place is â€Å"habitation or refuge. God is a protective shelter for all generations. We see that although it appears that God is far off – He is accessible, indeed. Remember that by this time, the Israelites begged Moses to tell God not to appear in person, God is also eternal. Perhaps this is one of the most complex theological concepts. In this text, the mountains are used to illustrate God’s eternity. It is through this imagery that the reader is able to experience the stability of God. 7 Mountains are a constant theme in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. Mountains are a sign of God’s covenant with his people. So far God is a dwelling place and He is eternal. The second segment if the Psalm 90, beginning in verse 3, describes man’s finality. This is a stark contrast to God’s eternity. The Hebrew word for man means â€Å"frail,† and â€Å"weak. † Man who is weak will be destroyed. Good God is timeless: 4For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. 5Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass which groweth up. The last segment of the Psalm is Moses’ appeal to God for him to return his presence to his people: â€Å"Return, O lord  , how long? And let it repent thee concerning thy servants. † Not only should God return, but Moses asks for complete restoration and for God to bless the work of man: â€Å"Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. A synopsis of Psalm 90 is that man God is eternal, man is finite. Therefore man should repent of his sin, turn from his wicked way and be restored to the dwelling place of the Lord God. Also, because man’s days are numbered, he should seek to be the most productive during his youth as to reflect the glory of God. There is safety and peace in God’s design. good This theme of vocation and purpose is a constant theme in the both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. The Vocation of the Christian Entrepreneur The significance of Psalm 90 frames the meaning of vocation for the Christian entrepreneur. For the Christian entrepreneur, vocation , meaning vocare in Latin, indicates that there is a relationship between the one is calling and the one being called. 2 This call and response is affirmed in the New Testament text, John 10:27 when Jesus assures speaking to his disciples: â€Å"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. † It is also the Christian’s entrepreneur’s responsibility to fulfill God’s mandate to fill the earth. In Genesis 1-2, key tenants of the creation mandate that pronounces both our relationship and responsibility to Jehovah-Elohim (God, the Creator. ) Through worship, dominion and procreation, there exists a dynamic by which man can demonstrate the very likeness God in the earth. In text of Genesis 1-2, the capacity for humanity to innovate is authenticated. According to Genesis 1-2 and Psalm 90, humanity’s desire to deviate from this original blueprint set forth by his Creator â€Å"in the beginning,† can result in destruction. 13 Vocation outside of God’s appointment can render destruction, captivity as it did for the Israelites and the obliteration of entire generations as it did in the past for Israel in the Old Testament Hebrew text If this discussion would continue, it could explore how man is the only one of God’s creation’s that deviates from answering God’s call to produce the Creator through innovation. Even plants grow toward the light. Personal Vocation One of my mentors has taught me that your calling is something that you enjoy doing for no pay. Joseph Ukrop would close his store to help local farmers harvest their crops so they would have food through the winter. Ukrop was passionate about making sure that members of his community were fed; he cared about their nutrition. Today, the store has closed, but the Ukrop legacy of giving has lasted through their non-profit foundation. This is what I believe lies at the foundation of the Christian vocation. For many years I have searched for the thing I should be doing for the kingdom. I think it is teaching. I was a Spanish teacher in the Richmond public school system. I left teaching to pursue a career in marketing. At work, new hires get sent to me for training. I am asked to give presentations and teach the Sales division on new products. Still, I struggle with my calling to teach because it does not pay as much as I would like when I decide pursue it full time. At work, I train minimally but am paid double the salary of a teacher in Richmond, VA. However I am not content with the work I do. It seems that this door will be closed soon. On my April 23, 2012, I will be laid off after working with my current company for five years. At the same time I found out this news, I was also asked to teach at a local community college part time. I am just thankful that God was gracious enough to provide other opportunities. Some of my female co-workers have asked me to lead a Bible study after I leave. Parents still call me when their children face difficulty with Spanish before taking exams. I decided that I would start a tutoring service to supplement my job as an instructor in fall. My vocation to teach is the very thing that God has placed in me. Obeying tis call is so much better than existing outside of the dwelling place of God’s will.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - 2186 Words

In Jane Austen’s â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† the story of two unlikely lovers unfolds. Elizabeth Bennett, the second eldest of five sisters, unfortunately has a mother who wants her to marry rich. When Elizabeth first encounters Fitzwilliam Darcy they mutually dislike each other. The two characters undergo conflicts that revolve around each other. As the story progresses Mr. Darcy finds a likeness for Elizabeth that she does not return. After Mr. Darcy proposes to Elizabeth, that she rejects, he clears up all the mistakes that Elizabeth believed he had made. Elizabeth then realizes that Mr. Darcy evolves much like herself, she falls in love with him, and he finally proposes to her, which she accepts. Through Austen’s use of strong†¦show more content†¦Austen’s uses the difference in social class to deter Darcy from wanting to propose to Elizabeth rather than choosing love. Darcy believes that Elizabeth’s family is not agreeable and th at because of their social differences she would not be an appropriate match for him. Austen creates Elizabeth’s character from a family of no consequence in middle class, which makes Elizabeth seem like an even more undesirable partner. Austen characterizes Elizabeth and Darcy as intellectual equals who make them both seem hard headed. They must overcome their stubborn social out views to reach a understanding of each other and fall in love. Austen places many social undertones to express the clear division between the classes of the characters that lead to major misunderstandings. The characters go through many problems and â€Å"The novel depicts a social world highly stratified and laden with class struggle and pretension† (Chung 1). Austen uses marriage to point out clear issues within the plot because, â€Å"Indeed a woman had to marry to survive in such a society, in Elizabeth Bennett’s case the situation is dire because Mr Bennett’s fortune is to be entailed to Mr Collins because there is no son and heir to the Bennett estate† (Chung 1). Marriage to gain higher social status plays a huge role in Austen’s vision and that to raise in society a woman had to entrap a man, only for social status, to be enslaved into a lifetime of loathing. The characters in the novelShow MoreRelatedPride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay1724 Words   |  7 PagesThe 18th century novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is a fascinating book about a young woman’s struggle with family and love. Pride and Prejudice was originally published in 1813, but, the most common version of the story, and the one used for this research, is from the version published in 1892, still by only Jane Austen, though many other authors have contributed to this book over time. Austen often references the class system at the time, often noting one of the multiple heroine’s struggleRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1467 Words   |  6 Pages Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is a classic novel that has remained relevant even years after its release. Its themes and symbols are understandable to even the most modern of reader. One of the many themes is sisterhood, something that is focused on constantly throughout the novel. Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of the novel, finds many of her decisions to be based upon the actions of her sisters. Making sisterhood a main driv ing force. Whether they are confiding in each other for marriageRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen872 Words   |  4 PagesIn my personal cherished novel, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, the worlds of two immensely divergent people display the marxist idea of the importance of social status and its affect on the people. The two main characters seem to be on opposite ends of the earth in terms of an affluent Mr. Darcy being so privileged while on the contrary, Miss Elizabeth Bennet is of a lower class. Throughout the novel, there is a fine distinction between their clashing opinions and actions that are highly influencedRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay1711 Words   |  7 Pageshe 18th century novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is a fascinating book about a young woman’s struggle with family and love. Pride and Prejudice was originally published in 1813, but, the most common version of the story, and the one used for this research, is fr om the version published in 1892, still by only Jane Austen, though many other authors have contributed to this book over time. Austen often references the class system at the time, often noting one of the multiple heroine’s struggleRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1285 Words   |  6 PagesPride and Prejudice Analysis I.Introduction Jane Austen wrote her novels during the time period known as the Regency. The Enlightenment and the Age of Reason, a time where ideas like democracy, secularism, and the rise of developing sciences were making their way across Europe had come to an end.It was replaced with the wave of horror that was the French Revolution, a once minor revolt that escalated into a violent war, concluding with the rise of Napoleon, which whom England fought against the majorityRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1384 Words   |  6 PagesNicole Voyatzis Professor W. Acres HISTORY 1401E May 26, 2015 Discussion Paper - Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice written in 1813 by Jane Austen tells the story of The Bennet’s and their five unmarried daughters. The family live as part of the lower gentry in early 19th century England. With that being said, Mrs. Bennet’s primary focus in life is to ensure that all her daughters are married, preferably to wealthy men. The book begins with Mrs. Bennet seeing an opportunity for her daughtersRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1570 Words   |  7 PagesThe comical novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen depicts the love life of women in the early 1800’s. Austen shows the hardships young women in that time period had to go threw to find their place in this world. Women were thought of as objects to the men, they were supposed to be stay at home mothers, or simple just a accessory to their partner. Women were the subordinates in life, as they still are today. Austen tells the story of how Mrs. Bennet (a mother of 5) works tirelessly to get her daughte rsRead MoreJane Austen: Pride and Prejudice 1086 Words   |  5 PagesJane Austen, born December 16, 1775, was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction earned her a place as one of the most widely read authors in English literature. Austen’s novels critique the life of the second half of the eighteenth century and are part of the transition to nineteenth-century realism. Though her novels were by no means autobiographical, her fictional characters do shed light on the facts of her life and but more importantly, they offered aspiring writers a model of howRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen914 Words   |  4 Pages Bell 1 Natalie Bell Pedersen English 4 honors 29 February 2016 Pride and Prejudice Essay Jane Austen s novel, Pride and Prejudice, focuses on the social conflicts of England during the 1800s. Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy fall in love, and face social criticism. Mr. Darcy struggles with the ideology of societal expectations while falling in love with Elizabeth Bennet. After persistent self-reflection, Mr. Darcy overcomes the stereotype of whom he should marry, and marries ElizabethRead More Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 1104 Words   |  5 Pagesrate of over 50% from 1970-2010. However, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, marriage was often one of the few choices for a woman’s occupation. Reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen from the twenty-first century perspective might make some matters that are stressed in the book seem dated or trivial. As Pride and Prejudice was set sometime during the Napoleonic Wars, it is only fitting that finding a proper marriage is on the minds of many of the women in the book. Marriage and marrying